We have been continuing our campaign to spread the vital message about the need for vigilance around water and the need to check pool fencing.
We recently (November 16) appeared in an article in the Hills Shire Times titled “Dad speaks out about drowning dangers” .
Then the following letter to the editor was published in the Hills Shire Times on 7 December:
“This afternoon I walked around the fence line checking every single fence post and bar and so on. (Dad speaks out about drowning dangers’, Hills Shire Times November 16) All checked 100 per cent. So I must say, that was so exhausting to do. Based on your story I have had to toss up what’s more important. . . checking a few bars around the fence line of the pool, or have my child live on to adulthood. I don’t know, but after hearing your story, the walk around the fence line seems hardly a task to huff at. My kids will live on and on. Thank you to you and the Samuel Morris Foundation you’ve created. People with pools have to understand, just because your pool does not have a loaded bullet, it can kill.
And it kills without a sound. Check your fences Keep your kids safe.
Firstly, congratulations to Shane for getting out and checking his fence in response to the article…
I think Shane’s response says it all. If you have a pool, you also have a responsibility for it to be maintained and used in a safe manner…. get out and check it!
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