Samuel Morris Foundation founders nominated as Australian of the year for 2013.
We are pleased to let you know that Samuel Morris Foundation founders Michael and Jo-ann Morris were nominated as Australian of the Year for 2013.
The nomination was submitted by Heather HaddenWilliams who said ” I have admired what you do for so many years under such tragic circumstances and I saw this as a way for someone to say thank you for all that you do”.
Michael and Jo-ann were amazed to receive the certificate notifying them that they had been nominated for these prestigious award and are really humbled by the nomination.
As a result of the nomination Michael and Jo-ann are also recipients of a Penrith City Council Local Appreciation award which will be presented at an Australia Day Awards dinner on Thursday 24th January, and will be attending a NSW Government Australia Day reception.
Michael and Jo-ann said that while they are very grateful for the nomination and associated awards they would happily give everything back for Samuel’s accident to never have happened, or for another drowning or near-drowning not to occur.
Congratulations Jo-anne & Michael. It is nice to see the community thanking you for all the work you do to improve things for families who have suffered a near drowning or a loss. You are to be commended for keeping the keep watch message alive and participating in programs that spread the message.
Best wishes to you and your family and I wish you a better year for Samuel.
Kind regards