You never know when you, your children or your loved ones may be thrust into the world of disability through no fault of their own. You also never know when you may be thrust into the role as a carer for a person with a disability….. this issue is EVERYONES business. […]
Can we bowl it….. yes we can!
27 August 2009 Samuel reaches another Milestone today…… HE TURNS 6 !!!!…….despite spending four of the past six weeks in hospital fighting off respiratory infections and associated complications he is home again to celebrate his birthday! To celebrate his reaching this milestone Samuel hosted a “fancy dress” bowling outing…. and can he […]
Foundation Managing Director named as Finalist for Community Father of the Year Award
Kyle and Jackie O’s donation debacle
Kyle and Jackie O’s donation problem in relation to Joshua Koman highlights the plight of near drowning survivors and the needs of the other 30 children disabled by near drowning each year. Joshua Koman being visited in hospital by Samuel Morris Foundation at Easter Despite the recent problems associated with Austereo’s Kyle and Jackie […]
Caring for our disabled children at home – what price?
Well coordinated and integrated home based care is an efficient and cost effective model for providing long term care. There is, however, emerging evidence to suggest that family members pay a price for taking on long term care responsibilities at home. Read the report here. {donaterequest}