Do you know how much water it takes for a child to drown? It takes this much…….. [youtube XC95OAOJaY0] That’s right it only takes that much water in a pool, bathtub, nappy bucket, play pool, bucket, bin, beach, dam or any other source of water… Supporting the launch and sharing of this campaign […]
5 Seconds – the clock is always ticking!
This article was on page 26 of Melbourne’s Child 1 July edition under the “My Story” heading… a quick and sobering reminder of just how quickly things can go wrong.. even for “helicopter parents” 5 Seconds of Distraction is all it takes This morning I didn’t know how many seconds it would take a 24 […]
A power non-fatal drowning interview
Every year in Australia far too many families have to deal with a non-fatal drowning and far too many Australian families wind up with a child with a disability as a result. This interview, courtesy of Raising Kids Arizona, is a powerful reminder about the effects of these events, not just on the child involved […]
A broken pool gate cost a life
Journalist Barbara Messer contacted the Samuel Morris Foundation looking to write a story on a child drowning. Karen George showed great courage in being willing to share her story about the tragic events surrounding the near drowning, hospitalisation and subsequent death of her son Kaine. Kaine’s story and that of the George Family appeared in […]
Worrying trend in near drownings
The NSW Ambulance service has made a number of releases recently in their drive to improve drowning awareness and prevention. Back in December we posted an update on NSW Ambulance responses to near drownings. If the figures in that post shocked you…….. Then the latest update on the NSW Ambulance responses to drowning or near […]