The 27th of August 2013 marks a milestone that was not expected, Samuel Morris turns 10.
It is seven and half years since that fateful day of 9th March 2006 when Samuel sustained a severe hypoxic brain injury as a result of a non-fatal drowning, and the new experience of living with and grieving for a child with severe disability began, as did the inevitability of tears.
Back in March it looked like the day had finally arrived that things were going rapidly downhill for Samuel and it looked like he would not survive a recurrent pneumonia, in reality that day turned out to be another ripple in the stream of grief, as Samuel’s body rallied to overcome an infection that the best available medicine was not able to.
Things did not go as expected and Samuel decided that despite the grave concerns of his Doctors and the withdrawal of a number of treatments that it was maybe not now for it all to be over. Many were left dealing with the ambiquity of being human and Samuel’s family were left dealing with quiet, noise and fear on a daily basis.
Throughout the seven and half years Samuel has been a constant reminder of how fragile the human existence can be, but at the same time a reminder about how tough the human body and the human spirit can be, often leading to overcoming extreme adversity.
Samuel remains extremely unwell, and spends many days in extreme pain and heavily medicated in an attempt to overcome that pain and make him as comfortable as possible.
None of us know how much more Samuel is capable of enduring, or how much longer he will continue to defy the odds and his Doctors. All we do know is that Samuel appears to be the master of his destiny and he remains an inspiration for his family and others.
We hope that his legacy, in this Foundation will continue to see him make a difference to water safety and the welfare of other kids with Brain Injuries, well into the Future.
Whilst this is not the tenth birthday that you dreamed for your boy when he was just a wee lad, it is amazing that he is still here. Wishing him the happiest and pain free birthday! Well done to his amazing mum and dad who have loved their boy through his journey! Sarah x
NOTHING at all surprises me anymore with young Samuel and the destiny he has chosen for himself. He surely is in TOTAL CONTROL of what he will do and when he will do it.
He never ceases to amaze and inspire me. He has more to tell us yet and he’s determined to listen to his own voice and not the voice of others, particularly Professionals.
He will re-write History as the Medical Profession knows it ……..
Thank you Samuel and family, you have taught me so much and enriched me to be a much better person. Rest peacefully little one.
Happy Birthday Samuel! Blessings to you and your family x
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMUEL xoxoxoxo Your inner will to stay is amazing,,,You have such a dedicated family around you always.
Happy belated bday Samuel. You are a champ . A true inspiration .