The Samuel Morris Foundation, along with the KidsHealth Unit and senior Doctors at the Childrens Hospital at Westmead are concerned about the increase in the number of near drownings that have been occurring.
Cheap inflatable pools are becoming increasing available within the community. These pools represent the same risks as any other type of swimming pool, but many people do not realise that even small inflatable pools (capable of being filled with 30cm or more of water) require fencing.
This issue was broadcast on Channel 7 News around the country on the evening of Sunday 16th October……
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Sadly at almost exactly the same time as this was going to air another family was dealing with their 15 month old boy being pulled from a backyard swimming pool. This boy was transferred to the Childrens Hospital at Westmead and was reported to be in a critical condition. Our thoughts go out to this family at their moment of crisis.
To get all of the information you need to know about safe, secure pool fencing and how the check that it complies with the Australian Standards please watch the “Protect Your Pool: Protect Your Kids” Video
Help us in our efforts to continue to raise awareness and prevent drowning.
The drowning cases are increasing day by day. One of the reasons is inflatable pools, people don’t realize these things, so we should be pay extra attention while using pools.