This story comes from an inspiring mother, Shauna Quintero in the United States who is sharing, at her blog, a frank and honest review of the progress of her son Christian following a near drowning in 2009 at the age of 11 months. Her blog can be found at… Christian’s Journey
Why every near drowning requires medical attention
Every time someone has a near drowning, particularly if it has required CPR, they MUST receive medical attention and be thoroughly checked. This story from the USA highlights why. Two days after a near drowning incident during which CPR was performed but the child seemed to be immediately alright, the four year olds breathing difficulties […]
Individual funding for disability support
The Samuel Morris Foundation is one of the organisations supporting the push for a National Disability Insurance Scheme. One of the objectives is to see individual case funding which is individually controlled. This model has been in use in in some jurisdictions for a while. The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs […]
The Reality of Grieving for a child with complex medical needs
Many of the children that survive a near (non-fatal) drowning will be left with a brain injury that results in lifelong disabilities. The families of these children will experience ongoing grief throughout their time caring for their child. Deborah Tiel Millard’s child did not have a near drowning, but Deborah and her family experienced eight […]
Drowning – it doesn’t look like you think
You have watched people drown on TV they thrash about and yell………. life is not like this when people drown for REAL. This story by a person who spent their career as a professional rescue swimmer with the the United States Coast Guard will dispel your misconceptions about what drowning looks like….. it really makes […]