Despite research and some good media around previous posts about what drowning really looks like, it is a sad reality that most people simply don’t know. It is easy to talk about what drowning looks like from an observers point of view. However, one journalist recently experienced her own scare while at a public pool with […]
How many children?
Royal Life Society of Australia released the National Drowning Report yesterday. The good news is that the report shows a decline in the deaths of children aged 0-4. in 2013/14 twenty Australian children aged 0-4 lost their lives to drowning. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008) shows that for every drowning death there […]
NSW its time to register your pool!
Recent changes to the NSW Swimming Pools Act came into force today, Monday 29 April. Pool Owners Must Register Their Pool As part of the changes all NSW Pool Owners are required to undertake a self certification check, and then register their swimming pool on the NSW Governments Swimming Pool Register Website. There are […]
This CHARITY and the NDIS are vital for Quality of Life
Why the Samuel Morris Foundation and the NDIS are so important Below is an explanation of why the Samuel Morris Foundation and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) are so necessary….. (please read on you WILL be shocked) Samuel Morris has been back in hospital, not an unusual occurence, except this one comes with an […]
It takes this much water for a child to drown
Do you know how much water it takes for a child to drown? It takes this much…….. [youtube XC95OAOJaY0] That’s right it only takes that much water in a pool, bathtub, nappy bucket, play pool, bucket, bin, beach, dam or any other source of water… Supporting the launch and sharing of this campaign […]